Improving Website Experience: How & Why?


Improving Website Experience: How & Why?

by Lewis Camp
October 4, 2021

Looking to get the most out of your website? The trick is to make sure that the user experience is as best as can be!

If a site is unclear and unresponsive, it runs the risk of high bounce rates and therefore, a minimal chance of rising the Google ranks – leaving your business unable to gain the valuable leads it needs.

Across the world today, digital companies now ensure that key fundamentals have been integrated into web design, placing a strong focus on the most contemporary trends to achieve maximum impact.

Here are some of the main website considerations for the best user experience:

1. Simple Navigation
Everything needs to be simple to use and access, otherwise, website visitors will end up bored and even frustrated. If it takes too long to find the information they need, or they discover that linking is incoherent, this could have them turning away for good, within no time at all!

Designing clear, concise linking and drop-down menus are what help visitors immediately and easily locate relevant pages to satisfy their queries. Excellent website functionality also helps companies establish credibility in just a few clicks.


2. Clean Layout
Place your website’s most important features at its centre for full visibility at all times.
The most important information nowadays is best displayed and digested through graphics, images and videos. Giving audiences less to read and more to see will help you communicate ideas more effectively, as well as steer clear of a clunky and overstuffed layout.

Clean Layout

In the ever-changing world of web design, it is also important to keep close tabs on what is considered contemporary. When unable to follow the most recent web innovations, this can leave your site looking incredibly behind the times.


3. Relevant & Engaging Content
Once having created a simple yet effective layout, fill it in with relevant and engaging content!
The priority is to get your key selling points, benefits and services across, and crafting them in such a way that satisfies the Google algorithm. In terms of SEO or search engine optimization, copywriting plays a huge role, as this deals with the simple integration of recognized keywords associated with your target audience.

relevant and engaging content

However, as most will not read through long chunks of text and at times, and even skim over most essential information, consider combining these with visually stimulating graphics, images or videos. Based on research, this pairing will be far more likely to grab and retain attention as opposed to plainly written text.


4. Streamlined Functionality
These days, websites are more often than not, viewed on the go through smartphones and tablets over desktops. That is why it is of utmost importance to ensure that they load and function properly across all the different dimensions and formats out there.

streamlined functionality

If your website is not optimised for every kind of device, many users will be unable to properly navigate and access your entire website. This may result in a number of issues that could negatively affect your business. Some information may appear to be missing due to cut or overlapping text, or customers may even be unable to complete a purchase as certain buttons may no longer be clickable or visible on screen.

To confidently capture and cater to the mobile phone generation, consider venturing into mobile app development. This equips you with an easily customisable platform that enables you to make constant enhancements, based on the evolving needs of your target audience.


5. Consistent Speed
With time being the truest luxury, users are easily put off by poor loading speeds.

Consistent Speed

Even sites with the most compelling content and layout are still at risk of poor bounce rates because of this dreaded slowdown. Sites with elaborate designs which make use of lots of images and video content are at the highest risk. With the huge amount of data circulating, this could lead to immensely laborious speeds if proper site maintenance is overlooked.

Be sure to have this carefully checked on a regular basis!



Get in contact with XDNA Interactive today to discover the different website design layouts and features best suited to meet your business needs and objectives.

We can help you provide your customers with an efficiently enjoyable online brand experience which encourages authentic engagement and in turn, helps drive more sales.