Conquering Creative Block With Team xDNA


Conquering Creative Block With Team xDNA

by Alex Chan
July 30, 2021

Creativity, when channelled constantly in the workplace, can understandably run dry on some days.

Ideas and inspiration cannot always be summoned on command, nor do they spew from an unlimited supply.

They require a conducive environment for thinking, discussion and improvement in order to produce wonderful results.

However, creativity is not only limited to artistic design and content creation but also applies to everyday problem-solving and decision-making skills.

In reality, every job role necessitates some form of creativity in one way or the other, and we all should try and find the best ways to nurture and replenish ours.

Here are some important creative lessons and approaches from xDNA’s Creative Team:

1) Curiosity Always Unlocks Creativity

When you find yourself in the same work routine day in and day out, it can be tricky to find inspiration. But it is not an impossible task.

Our Lead Creative Designer, Nikki, makes it a point to do a daily routine check to assess areas of concern to be discussed. She makes an active effort to challenge ideas, and encourage both individual and group discovery.

If we do not attempt to push the frontiers of the ordinary, how else will we unlock new methods and solutions?

2) Find what stirs up excitement for you

Our Web Designer, Francis, is no stranger to creative block. With his years of experience, he knows that oftentimes, the best remedy is simply a little bit of thrill and amusement.

If the task at hand begins to look dull or tedious, it means your mind has grown tired from a repetitive work pattern, and now requires stimulation that you thoroughly enjoy.

3) When Stuck, Have A Change of Scenery

When unable to push forward with his design drafts, our youngest Creative Designer, Erick, prefers to clear his mind by leaving his workstation for a wander.

Give yourself and your mind the break it deserves. Surround yourself with new things to take your mind off of your work for a bit. Allow some breathing room.

4) Creativity Cannot Be Forced

The best ideas come to us when our thoughts are not muddled with worry or stress, but instead, open to suggestions and eager for exploration.

xDNA’s Creative Manager, Archie, encourages the team to take care of and enjoy themselves both inside and outside of work.

When you are in good health and have a positive attitude towards what you do, there is a more natural motivation to perform and deliver well.

5) Pause to take the Pressure Off

For writers, the block can set in almost immediately. When left unresolved, this can extend for days, weeks, and even months at a time.

For the times it seems impossible to start or continue writing, and your mind feels filled to the brim with chaos and doubt – take a step back and breathe.

It isn’t the end of the world, it just means it’s time to have a bit of a shift in yours. Be kind to your mind, and see how a change in perspective makes all the difference.

Just like you, these creative tips and tricks are a result of different backgrounds, experiences, strengths and weaknesses.

Creative block happens to everyone, and we all experience it differently, but it can always be managed and overcome.

Do not be disheartened by this imaginary dead-end.

Regard it as simply part of the creative process.

It is your signal to reboot and restart how you do things, to be able to take on and produce better projects with each creative cycle.